
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Passing My Road Test

I'm both happy and relieved that I finally passed my road test. I'll admit taking a bus with a toddler is a bit tricky. Especially those times when she fell asleep and I had to carry her on one hand and the stroller on the other hand while getting off the bus. Not so fun at all! Then taking three buses to get to her art class or to Gymboree while it is raining or snowing is just too much sometimes, but if you don't drive what can you do when your child really likes these activities.

A friend of my husband ask him why do I wanted to drive so much. Sometimes people who always drive don't realize how convenient it is for them to drive anywhere they want to. Passing my road test means no more awkward moments when I have to hold the umbrella in one hand and push the stroller with the other hand, when it is raining and my daughter and I have to go somewhere. Passing my road test means that what takes an hour and a half commute one way just to go to an art class will be less than 30 minutes of driving there instead. It means easily going to other library programs we usually go to by bus and getting there early. It means going on an outing with other Moms and their kids not just around the neighborhood but outside of our neighborhood too. I had to give up Mommy and Me Meetup when my child was barely two because most of the meeting took place where a car is needed.

Taking a road test is nerve racking but the nice lady who was my examiner just give directions no critical comments during the road test and she has an even tone not annoyed or anything. Her demeanor  really help! At the end of my road test when she was suggesting that I had to work on my parking and K-turn I automatically thank her thinking that I failed again. When I looked at the things that she handed to me, she was out of the car already and I just realized that she only give back my learner's permit, and that score receipt or something and it said passed. And she only took 5 points off for excessive maneuvers during parking and K-turn and another 5 points for a wide left turn. For that parking, the road was sloping down at the back of the car so I had to move forward or the wheels will hit the curve then obviously I had to go backwards again to bring the car parallel to the curve, so I really did more than the usual three maneuvers. As for the K-turn, when she said do K-turn I automatically did like a robot because my driving instructors told me that to pass when the examiner told me something do it plus the fact that I was nervous, then I realized I might be too close to the car in the opposite side of the street so I had to reverse before I completed maneuver that will make the car perpendicular to the opposite side of the street because I was afraid I might hit the other parked car.

To the road test lady examiner that passed me, thank you, you made a Mom's life easier. May you be blessed the way you empower me and other people out there like me.