
Friday, June 14, 2013

Attending Commencement Ceremony

Going back to school when you're already have family is a little tricky. It means less sleep, sometimes skipping to do unending but much needed to do chores. You also have to spend less time with family because instead of going out together, you have to do presentation, a paper or study for quizzes and exams.

Lucky for me my husband is supportive. He usually take my daughter to Gymboree Open Gym and I can do school assignments or study for quizzes and exams. He didn't complain when his clothes are not folded sooner or when our home is messy.

I was a September 2012 graduate hence I had to attend my graduation ceremony this June. Although I already received my diploma, attending the ceremony is still awesome. Listening to the speakers, remind me of my goals, and inspires me again. I was always sad that I choose not to attend my graduation ceremony four years ago but attending my graduation ceremony this time  made me realized that I made a good decision not to attend then. I had a C-section two weeks before the ceremony at that time, and I don't think I could have managed standing in line waiting for the graduates procession for hours.